Saturday, March 31, 2018

Paniced Breath's

    Its been three nights. Not in a row thankfully, but I've had this dream three times. For the first time in my life it's not a random dream featuring the same element over and over again. Instead it's a continuation. It's so plain and realistic that by the time I realize it's a dream, it's too late.
    I'm in my home and I just woke up to go to the bathroom. A very normal occurrence for me as I tend to do this once or twice a night. I do my business and am on my way to my room when I hear it. A soft voice says something along the lines of "Man, this place sure has changed."
    The voice was feminine, I find myself waking in a sudden panic. Completely unaware I had been dreaming until I had opened my eyes. That was the first one.
    The second one started the same, me waking, bathroom and walking back. When I hear the creak of someone just getting on the stairs and a very detailed human silhouette just starting to climb them. Awake in a semi-panic once again.
    The last one I had was just a few moments ago. It starts just a tad differently. I'm sleeping in bed, when I am woken by Aster, which for once isn't strange because he's staying the night. He pulls me into his arms and I fall back asleep. 
    A little while later I wake up to go to the bathroom again. This is were the dreams overlap again. I walk out and this time I see her. Standing on the stairs, fixing her makeup. She reminds me of my mother when she had deep red hair. Except there was something off about her, as if she were mixed with my aunt she gave off a harpy like feeling.
    For some reason a part of my brain thought she wasn't real so I decided to make a noise. The lady didn't even flinch. But for some reason this scared me even more and I shouted Asters name and ran into the room. He wakes and I quickly tell him there's someone in the house, but he doesn't understand, he doesn't hear or see anything. I turn to the door and all I see is her shadow in the hallway right before my room and I wake.
    Panicked, because I was so sure that was all real, but none of that happened. I walk to the bathroom needing to make sure she's no longer there and she isn't but I'm still scared.
Why am I dreaming like this?
 What was that?
 What did that mean?
 Why can't a get a full nights rest for once?

    I don't know what any of this means or why it's happening. What could my subconscious be trying to tell me? Maybe I'll look for more info in the morning, but really what am I suppose to search for? Red haired, mom look alike, slowly stalking me through my home? I don't know what to do.
I just want to sleep.   

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