Monday, November 12, 2012

Please tell me what you call a day of school where your brain is without any stimulation, because that's how my day went. God it was just so boring!! Then again I guess this is what happens when you repeat. Sigh I'll have to wait until the second half of the school year to find math interesting. English never will be. Maybe It'll be amusing, but I doubt that will be often.Well at least technology/computers is interesting when the teachers teaching and we don't have a free day. Sigh. Do you guys have those day at school were even if you didn't go you wouldn't have missed anything? Now I just wish I had gone back to bed after I turned my alarm off. Well tomorrow should be different. Lets hope gym isn't a complete bore, but we're going to have a sub. so it most definetly will. Well I'm not keeping any hopes up. After all I've learned the hard way, the more hope you have the more it hurts when it comes crashing down, but that my friend is reality.
But we need hope. Damn, now that's just annoying and depressing.
See ya around.

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