Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I AM BORED!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the caps lock, but this is a caps lock situation. Recently I am super bored. School yes it teaches me new things, but the classes I'm most interested in such as English, Math and Gym are just so boring. I love Math. I love siting on a problem and trying to figure it out, but everything that were doing now I already know. It's the same thing with English and for Gym, well our gymnasium is under construction so I just have to wait until January to find amusement in that again. It's just lately I don't feel challenged anymore unless I'm training. And because school is so boring I started to train four times a week. I really hope I can get rid of my excess energy, because I'm tired of being so bored at school. Now this may not be a cure for boredom, at least not completely, but at least I won't be drawing all over my hand/notebook  during math and instead be catching some zzz's. What do you do when your bored?
See ya around.

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