Friday, April 13, 2018

One of my favorite things

    My eyes are closed but I can tell it's dark. Still I don't feel fear, instead excitement seems to be flowing through me, anticipation as if I were waiting for something. I can tell I'm sitting Indian-style on some cool grass, there are people all around me, talking and laughing. It's warm, a summer night.
    Leaning back I bump into someones legs, but they don't jump or move away, so they must not mind. I lean back on them and they run their hand through my hair. It's comforting and fills me with warmth.
    I continue to keep my eyes closed, until I'm startled by a loud singular bang in the sky. Quickly opening my eyes I look up to see a vanishing 'star.' It takes less than a second for three more gold fireworks to whiz up into the sky before exploding into showering sparks. A few more pop up right after, different colors this time, some red and a few others are green. A noisy one flies high into the sky making a loud whizzing noise before it disappears.
    My eyes are glued to the sky, for I finally know where and more precisely when I am. How long has it been since I last saw Ty's fireworks?


    It's breathtakingly beautiful and I soak in every 'shooting star' as they fly across the sky before disappearing. All the noise and the colors, the flowers that come into full bloom, but only for a second before they fade. The show last only half an hour, but I bask in it's beauty, not knowing when I'll get to see such a sight again.
    Eventually the finally starts and it's so loud and the sky turns so bright and colorful that it feels like it's daytime. My eyes, water up, because of course I'm going to feel sentimental about something stupid like this. This was one of my favorite things about living in america, it's amazing fourth of July firework shows. Still the explosive finally finishes and the sky returns to it's former dark self.
    The people around me clap and cheer, slowly rising from their chairs and gathering their things. The show ended so it's time to go still I don't want to move. I want to see more, but I can't.
    I turn around to talk to the human behind me, who I used as a pillow for a good part of the show, but find the chair to be vacant. Whoever was there is now gone. Guess, this just proves it was all a dream. I stand and stretch out my stiff muscles, thats what happens when you stay in the same position for so long. I feel myself starting to wake up, so I glance around one last time at my childhood home.
Till next time I suppose.

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