Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Blood, Sweat and Tears

I don't know how I got here.
 Nor do I know why, but it's eerie.
As if I was dropped down into the middle of nowhere.

 Looking around I see fresh snow everywhere, with even more slowly falling from the overcast sky. There are large bare bone tree growing in even rows on both of my sides, covered in snow. They look other worldly, 
unable to see the gray bark underneath.

I stand, because for some reason I awake sitting in the snow, with no footprints leading to my spot. Makes me wonder how I got here.

What brought me here? 

Still I stand, slowly as it seems my feet have fallen asleep, as they suddenly prickle like light bee stings. I'm not cold though, which is strange, because it seems all I'm wearing is a long gray tunic, black leggings and a sea blue scarf. 
I wrap the scarf around me a bit more tightly, 
before slowly taking my first step forward. 

Is it forward? 
Or am I going backwards?

 It's impossible to tell which way is which here. Both my front and back look the same, snow here and there with trees on either side. Looking at it for too long makes me feel uneasy, so I continue moving forward in what I think is forward. 

After having walked for what could easily have been ten minutes or even an hour I find myself coming across some crumpled snow. It looks like someone was huddled here, before seemingly standing and going there marry way, but there are no footprints leading to here, except
 my own, nor are there any leaving. 


I look around me trying to see if there's anything in the vicinity,
 but there's only snow, pure white untouched snow.

Wait, where did my footprints go?

Gone, they couldn't have been covered by the snow, it's not falling fast enough. 

Wait, did I come from here? 
Could I have just gone in a circle?

I turn around and start walking in the opposite direction and after an even shorter amount of time I find myself coming across the same crumpled snow. 

How could I possibly be going in circles when this is a flat plane? 

Panic bubbles within me and I run past the spot, 
but that makes little difference as I come across it again, 
and again and again. I finally stop running,
 out of breath and starting to panic. 

How do I get out of this winter maze when there only seems
 to be one path and it leads to nowhere?

Suddenly there's pain in my lower left side and I look down to see what seems like a chunk of clear ice piercing through my side. Its gone in from the back and slide right out the front and it falls to the ground almost in slow motion.

A river of red rushes after it.

My knees buckle under me and I feel myself falling face first
 into the pure white snow. I breath shallowly on the ground. 

Who did this? 
Why did they do this?

 I look towards my wound, but all I see is a gushing sea of red and it hurts. The blood slowly soaks into the snow diluting and changing the scenery. Instead of everything dying off like me, it seems to give it's surroundings life.

The snow slowly ceases, seemingly starting to melt on the ground and off the trees. Bulbs seem to sprout from the ground and I can just barely see leaves starting to grow off the trees. Patches of grass
 seem to appear from under the snow, but before
 I see the whole picture my eyes fall 
back to my bleeding wound. 

The blood is being sucked into the dirt. 

So that's where that saying comes from.

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