'Pshee, you can't believe this is happening? What about me? I keep half expecting to be woken by my screaming mother.'
'This is nice and all, but Bax is getting impatient, so would one of you open the damn door?'
Bell looks toward me and I just shrug, might as well start this next great adventure. I pull the keys from my pockets and proceed to open the door to our new home. We don't even get a moment to appreciate the feeling filling all of us before Bax, the energetic doggo that he is, rushes into the new place.
Aster just drops the leash and allows the dog to run around and smell the place, while the rest of us carry in the boxes and bags littered out in the hallway. This takes longer than necessary since Bax tries to help by walking in front of us while we carry our things into the small apartment.
'Welcome to our new hell!' I say dropping one of the boxes near a bedroom door. 'Who do you think will be the first one to die?' I ask jokingly.
'Bell of course,' Aster replies smoothly while keeping an eye on Bax.
'Oy, this alfa male is not going to be murdered anytime soon. It will obviously be Nast, since she's the female of the group.'
I can't help but snort at that statement, ya group. Our strange trio of four. Consisting of a pyromaniac, an energetic dog, a hermit and a masochist. This is just unbelievable.
'So I call the left bedroom!' Bell says a second later, grabbing a box and rushing towards it. I look to Aster and he just shrugs, both of the bedrooms are pretty much exactly the same, so it makes little difference as to who gets what.
I grab another box and head to the other room, most of our furniture was brought her the day before by a moving crew, which was sponsored by my father, surprisingly. Still the place is fairly bare, but that will probably change over the course of a few hours.
We all set out to unpack our things, Aster plays some music from his laptop and it's strangely calm. Normal, almost. It takes most of the day, but soon we're unpacked, mostly anyways and trying to figure out what to eat.
'Can we just order a pizza for today and go shopping for food tomorrow?' Bell suggests.
'That sounds like a good idea,' replies Aster. I nod in agreement and we order a pizza for dinner. The evening passes and seemingly in the blink of an eye weeks pass by.
It's weird living without your parents, even stranger living with friends, that seem to easily become your new family. We've know each other since high school, but you don't really get close until you're in close quarters with each other for extended periods of time.
It hasn't been easy, silly arguments pop up on the daily, fighting with each others laziness, bitching about stupid things, but there has been a surprising amount of growth. Taking on each others responsibilities, being the bigger person, helping each other without getting asked. Despite all of the hitches there are also many enjoyable memories.
It's a strange thing, to wake up with a smile on my face.
Maybe even a new dream as well, even if it's a silly little thing.

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