Thursday, March 29, 2018

Why am I up here again!?

    So here I am again. I think looking around my gray mind-scape. Still the same as it was last time, surprisingly nothings really changed too much. There seem to be a few more fireflies from last time. The willow's looking beautiful with its dark bark and stunning leaves. There seems to be a new color popping up, a dark red? There are only a few of those colored leaves, but they seem to be closer to the ground than the others, so these are newer memories. I go to touch one, curious as to what it will play in my mind but
"There's no way I'm letting you escape from this."
Shit, it's...
"You bet your fucking non-virgin pussy it's me."
    I turn around and less than a foot away is a dark green human silhouette with a mouth. That's new. "It Jashin damn is and guess what I'm not fucking happy about it. You know why I have this new accessory on my face, Greasy Ears?" I shrink back knowing the answer and feeling somewhat ashamed.
    "You bet you're ass you should be ashamed of yourself!" I've been unconsciously moving back during this entire encounter trying to escape from my persona, even though I know it's moot. When my back hit's my tree I know I can't escape. How did I let it come to this?
    "Oj, puppykicker look at me when I'm talking to you, cause I'm down right pissed and I don't need your inner sappy monologue butting in."
    "I'm not accepting any apology from you." They get right in my face and I look where eyes should be, where a glare should be. I'm still terrified. "I said I hate coming up here and look what you've done, you've brought two of us up here in a matter of weeks! What the hell is going on with you? The funny part is you act like this on the dot almost every year."
What do you mean by that I ask, curious I'm not an actor.
    "Last time I was brought up here it was the 24th of march 2017. It's just over a year raincloud." Despite the lack of facial features, aside from the very large mouth I could very easily tell that my persona was tense with rage. "Shut up!" At that moment I feel a strong pain in my jaw and my knees crumple under me. Did they just punch me?
    "Your damn right I did, cause you're starting to piss me off! It's so obvious as to why I'm here and yet you're avoiding the answer like a sleazy politician. You know exactly why I'm here and if you dare deny it I am going to kick you in the balls." 
    I sigh, before nodding. Lightly cupping my check and looking towards the cliff where they all seem to come from. I've been too lazy recently. This gets a snort from the other, but I continue knowing what has to be done. I don't even have any excuses I know I'm just trying to avoid everything for as long as possible.
Probably explains why I've been writing so much.
"You write to de-stress, that hasn't changed about you."
I'm under that much stress?
"You're really good at hiding it."
I'm a fucking moron.
"Forever and always."
    There's silence between us for a moment as I let my actions sink in. It has been bad lately, really bad. "Exactly, that's why I'm here to fucking get your head out of your ass. Stop over thinking everything. Now I hate to repeat myself, but it seems I have to when it comes to you.
    You aren't a genius, never will be. Guess what though, that's perfectly okay. The fact that you take longer to learn things, are a bit slow on the uptake sometimes, that's alright too. 
    Look at you last time I was here you were a loner you only had yourself and a few others. Now though, now you have actual friends and people to talk to. Ask for help and get to know. It's not looking anywhere near as dreary as it was last time. So get to fucking work you lazy ass. 
    After this semester you have a three month long break, three whole months! Think of all the things you won't have to do then! Maybe you'll actually finish Monster this summer, probably get another tattoo if you go to the festival thingy, get drunk with your friends. Look at all the things awaiting you on the horizon. 
    There's one catch though, you have to pass this semester and stay in school. Work hard for 2 and a half months so that way you can have three months of laziness. I say that's a fair trade." At some point they crossed their arms, making them seem even more important.
    When it's thrown in my face like that I have to accept that I've been running. Damn, I have a shit ton of work ahead of me. "Yup," they reply pulling me up from the ground and putting their semi-translucent hand over my shoulder "but I know you can do. Plus that vacation time sounds like so much fun."
    I nod and sigh. This is going to suck. "Ya, but would you rather have that stone filled in already?" 
    I glance at the mentioned stone, situated near the cliffs end, before shaking my head. Not ready for that just yet, too many interesting things going on at the moment.
    "Exactly," they say letting go of me and walking towards the edge. "do I have to mention what's going to happen if I'm brought up here again?" I shake my head, it's sort of obvious. "Keep at it kid, you're finally past the halfway point." 
    With that they fall over the edge and disappear into the darkness bellow. Damn, greeny's going to kick my ass the next time we're going to be face to face again.

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