Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A life for a life

There's a different scene in my head, almost every time I close my eyes.

    It's a normal day. You're with them, enjoying yourselves and the weather. It's the first time in a long while since you've been able to meet up. You're both happy and excited looking forward to the plans you've made. Before the two of you head off you have to stop at an atm, the place you're going to doesn't accept cards so you need some extra cash. You make casual conversation the whole time, laughing about the smallest of things.
    Everything is great until they walk up to you wielding a large knife. None of you know the assailant, unrecognizable, plain faced almost. They casually walk up to the both of you and in an even tone, tell you to give them everything. The both of you quickly comply and hand over all of your valuables. The assailant seems satisfied, chuckles and says too easy, before tightening their hold on the knife.
    In that moment you don't think, walking in front of them and grabbing hold of the knife as it slices into you. The assailant surprisingly freaks and runs off, leaving the knife sticking out of you.
    They shout and drop to their knees as they scramble trying to figure out what to do. They shout for help, cursing that they handed over their phone to the runaway assailant and cursing you for doing this. Because if it wasn't for you moving, than they would be the one lying in a puddle of their own blood.

    It's chilly today, the snow fall has been heavy and the streets are filled with white. The entire town looks like it's been taken out of a fairy tale. Still you're cold so you shuffle along in the snow focusing on trying to get home as quickly as possible. You're crossing a busy street with a bunch of other pedestrians, it's a cross walk and the light is green so you mindlessly cross. You don't think to look both ways, after all it is a pedestrian crossing.
    All you hear is a screech from what seems to be a car as it's trying in vain to stop. It had been going too fast and the streets being covered in snow make it much more difficult to stop. Still it's coming straight at you, you and a younger middle schooler with headphones on.
    You work on autopilot as you grab the kids shoulders and push him back, it's less than a second later when you feel the impact and your pushed back. The world goes dark, while the once snow slicked streets are covered in crimson.

    It's dark out, you're rushing back home from work. You stayed too late, working on something that will result in nothing. You walk through side streets in order to get home faster, hoping you don't run into anyone on your way. It's half way into the maze of side streets that you start to hear muffled crying and the sound of skin on skin. You freeze, unsure of what to do. Still you dial the police and whisper where you are asking for assistance. They'll be on scene in just a few minute, but who knows if that's really true.
    Without thinking you shout, knowing there's only one accuser and one victim. Just gotta distract them. The victim looks worst for ware while the accuser seems beyond mad. You call out, taunting with all the confidence you don't have. Anything to get them apart, to give the other a chance to run. After all the police should be here soon enough.
    It works miraculously and the accuser runs at you, face red and fist raised. You try to escape their blows while at the same time laughing and taunting, distracting to your best abilities. The blows keep coming, stronger and more rage filled, until finally you're knocked off your feet. You don't get a chance to get up though as the assailant kicks you in the stomach, knocking out all the air from your lungs. You gasp for air, but you inhale little as the next kick is aimed at your face. The kicks just keep coming and slowly you feel yourself losing consciousness.
    Off in the distance you can hear sirens, but you know it's too late, because just a few moments ago you started watching your assailant from above, not below.

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