Saturday, March 24, 2018

Snapshots from another Life

    The brunet sighs as she enters her home, shoulders slouching and head pounding. It's quiet and no dog comes to great her so that must mean Aster came earlier than her. Not surprising since it's almost 19. She lazily puts away her shoes and coat before walking into the kitchen to make some tea. With a strong cup of green tea in her hands she makes her way to the bedroom, not interested in sleeping but just wanting to lay down and ignore the pain encasing her head.
    Without a thought she puts on her pj's and curls underneath a blanket, trying to relax. After a while she hears the front door opening and the pitter patter of doggy paws. Bax always seems to know when she's home, less than a second later hes in the bedroom, head perched on the bed and giving her puppy-dog eyes.
    The brunet smiles as she sticks out a hand to pet the happy puppy, the canine in question milks it for all it's worth, before running off to get his other human. A moment later a blond walks in, 'Hey,' he says smiling while bringing his hand to her forehead, 'you okay?'
    The brunet gives a nod before whispering, 'just a migraine it'll go away after I go to sleep, nothing to worry about.'
    'Have you eaten?'
    'No, but I'm not sure I won't just throw it back up right now.'
    The blond nods before leaving the room. The other occupant is in their own little world, falling into a half daze like state, just trying to relax. It's quiet in the house for a little while before Aster comes in wearing pj's, laptop under his arm.
    'Wanna watch a movie?' The other nods and curls into their partner while the movie plays in the background.

    For once the two of them are in separate rooms, not because they had gotten into a fight, but because Aster is playing with his friends over skype and Nast decided to do her own thing. The brunet in question had headphones on and was in a singing mood, so she blasted music while browsing the interwebs all the while singing and sometimes dancing to the songs.
    She rarely did this anymore, but it'd been so long she just felt the need to jam out. So it isn't strange that she stops noticing whats going on around her.
    Suddenly arms envelop her and she practically falls off of her chair, the only thing keeping her from falling was the body enveloping her. 'I had no clue you liked to sing and dance,' whispers Aster as he leans into her, 'and surprisingly you aren't terrible.'
    'Such kind words from the person that likes to whisper sing in the car,' replies Nast trying to ignore the heat against her lower back and thus invoking her own. 'Why are you even here? Aren't you playing something with the dudes?'
'We're on a food break so I thought I'd bother you a bit.'
'How long were you watching me,' the girl asks with dread.
'Just a song or two maybe even three,' he laughs smirking into her neck.
    The girl slumps, trying to ignore the growing dread, 'this is going to be used as black mail isn't it?'
'Oh, definitely.'

    Aster walks into his home aggravated and annoyed, he's had a long and tiring day. Not even Bax seems to be able to bring his mood up by much once he gets back.
    The day started out okay, but than his mom called him telling him to come to her work after his shift. Thus he was aggravated the entire time wondering what his mother would want from him. Once he finally gets there the two of them get into a huge fight. It's just been a shitty day.
    'Hey,' says Nast from the living room typing away at her laptop. Aster replies half heartedly before making a beeline for her. The brunet recognizes what about to happen and puts her laptop to the side before getting a lapfull of Aster. She had been laying down and her partner had layed down right on top of her.
    She hugs him, before stating the obvious 'rough day?' to which the other only nods. He just focuses on breathing in Nast's scent and trying to ignore the emotions boiling inside of him, there is no need to be so mad, he has to think rationally. They sit like this for a little while, before Aster finally starts to recount what had happened.

    It's something every couple goes through at one point or another. It's always hard to talk about, but it has to be done. Otherwise it can be close to impossible to live with one another. This couple really only had the talk once they were forced to.
    It starts with Aster doing something in the kitchen and thinking he's alone let's one rip. It's loud and somewhat smelly, but he's fine for he's sure that Nast is in the basement doing some laundry- he was wrong. The brunet in question was in the hallway and heard the whole thing. Now she could have ignored it and moved on but she was tired of having to hide her farts, so she confronted the blond.
    'You just farted didn't you.' She stats looking at the man. The human in question scans the area, but for once the girl knows his train of thought and says 'Bax is in the garden, so it was you.'
'Yes, it was me, okay.' Aster finally replies, but I thought you were downstairs.'
    'Can we just freely fart in front of one another without worry? I'm getting tired of leaving the room every time I need to toot.'
 'That sounds like something we should have decided a long time ago, just not during meals or during bedroom activities.'
'Deal,' replies the girl, 'Pleasure doing business with you good sir.

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