Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Said too much

What do you do when you've realized you've said too much?

When you've had a long week and are feeling stressed and exhausted and just need to talk. But instead of complaining about your week like a normal human being, instead you divulge in something that's been weighing on your mind.

 Something that should have stayed in your mind, but you told them.
They're the first person you've ever told this to. You were planing on keep silent till the end, never letting anyone find out and yet you told them.


 Now you're unsure because their reaction was weird. There was anger and saddness, maybe betrayal, but in the end they acted normal around you. Nothing seemed to change, nothing was different, but now after a few days have passed you can't help, but wonder. 

Have I now lost them, because I said too much?

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