Saturday, May 12, 2018

Just a walk

    It was just the three of us. Walking back from a friends home. A casual bored game night on a Friday evening, that ended with an intense hour an a half game of chess. Thus the three of us were walking back together, listening to the birds that are just starting to rise.
    We talk jumping from subject to subject, like we always do. Still these walks always bring up the most serious of subjects, most are focused on Bell, but surprisingly this time they were focused on Aster and I.
    Somehow marriage was brought up. Bell asked when we're going to get married or why we haven't tied the knot yet. It was interesting explaining our different world views when it comes to that subject. Kids were also mentioned, since Bell has acquired yet another nickname to his arsenal- "Uncle." The subject was quickly dropped after I gave my beautiful description of child birth. Let's just say the word parasite was involved.
    Still we hopped from subject to subject, discussing the more serious things in life, because you can't always joke about life. At one point the conversation lulled to what seemed to be a relaxed quiet, when Bell pops me a question. 'So, Nast.... Tell me something that I don't know about you?'
    So many things flash through my mind that he doesn't know, but I only smile and say; 'There really isn't anything interesting about me that you don't know about.'
    Of course Bell doesn't believe me, after all everyone has an interesting story to tell. 'Then maybe I'll be a bit more blunt,' he says looking somewhat nervous, maybe awkward asking this. 'I've noticed you make a lot of suicide and dying jokes lately.'
    This isn't too surprising, but I shrug my shoulders and explain. 'I just decided to stop filtering myself around you guys.'
    Here is where Aster cuts in with a snort, 'Sorry, but Nast is too stupid to reveal anything she doesn't want to reveal.' At this Bell looks over to the other blond, confused. 'If she doesn't want to say something she wont, but if she has to it's a vague thing that tells you jack.'
    Here Bell seems to be somewhat surprised as if he never expected something like this from me. Understandable since I seem to be a very open person, it's when someone wants to get personal that I start to close up. I only smile at him and shrug my shoulders again. 'That's just the way I roll.' I reply casually before smoothly transitioning into a different subject.
    The walk continues never returning to the dropped subjects. Still my mind thinks, oh the things I would tell the both of you if only I had the courage. It's always left unsaid though, because it's not necessary for them to know.

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