Saturday, May 19, 2018

'Idyllic' Days

    Its a routine. A very simple routine, but one that I always look forward to. I have fridays off from school, no classes and all that joy, so every thursday and friday evening I would go to Asters house for a few hours. It was usually the only time I got to see him.
    One thursday evening right before I was about to leave I asked him if he'd like to try something out. Bring Bax with him and stay over at my house for the night. So he did. It wasn't easy Bax was uncomfortable in the new place, he kept walking around and crying. He peed in the house a few times and even had a bad case of diarrhea once, but after about three visits he got used to the place.
    He still occasionally cries around seven in the morning, even after we let him out to relieve himself, but I've taken to just putting him on the bed. As soon as he's cuddled up between Aster and I he falls right back to sleep. Bax is very much like a two year old child in that sense.
    He enjoys exploring the house and having a backyard to play in. He also likes to bother Oreo, mostly I think he just enjoys the company of another dog. My dad and I tend to spoil him a bit, always petting him, thus Bax is always happy to see my father.
    So after a while Bax took to this new routine. Though I'm most happy to have Aster in my bed at least once a week. Nightly conversations that are either serious in nature or very light hearted. These 24h+ that we're together can really only be described as domestic and routine.
    Usually on Wednesday one of us texts the other asking if we're doing the usually. The next day I pick up Aster and Bax around 7 pm. We drive back to my house and tend to take an hour long walk as soon as we drop off Asters stuff, unless its raining. After the walk we either make some kind of small supper, talk or just watch something on youtube.
    Nothing really specific. It isn't unusual for the both of us to be playing our own games while sitting next to each other. Thats what's happening till 1 or 2, depending on how tired I am I'll force Aster to go to bed earlier or later, although we always have nightly talks in some way shape or form that move back our bed time.
    In the morning I'm up at 10 to feed Bax and because of my school schedule clock I just stay up. Drinking some coffee, making breakfast and doing my own thing. Around 12 I start to bug Aster to get out of bed, usually by annoying the crap out of him. This can take anywhere from 30 min to an hour, depending on how much of a fight the blond puts up. After this we waste time by talking about dinner, watching Bax annoy Oreo or doing stuff on the computer. It's peaceful, my father comes back and we all talk about plans for the weekend. Sometimes Aster and I hang out with friends, other times we just do whatever till 5 than go for another long walk. Still 8:30 hits the clock and it's time for me to drive Aster home.
    Thus my beautifully boring, domestically peaceful weekend comes to an end, for Saturday and Sunday are homework days. It brings me peace of mind, at least for a little while. I also wonder if when the time comes that Aster lives here, how will the days change than? I can only hope we'll get some peaceful days occasionally, because they help soothe my soul.
Thoughts for another day.

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