Monday, February 26, 2018


I'm going to be 22 in less than 24 hours.
I'm not really sure what to think about that honestly. Although I'm strange in the way that I already start thinking I'm older than I am by the middle of January. Not really sure why, but by than when people ask me my age I round up, because I'm closer to that age anyway. Some people call me weird for doing this, I guess I've just stopped viewing my birthday as something big that needs to be celebrated. That's something I've already talked about before, so I'm going to just skip over it.
It's weird I feel 22, when people ask me my age I tell them 22, but when I look in the mirror, I don't see a 22 year old looking back at me. I'd probably shave off at least 2 years, the only thing that gives me away is my random wisps of white hair. Annoying, but something I'll probably be glad about later in life. Although I'm at the half-way point and that's a comforting, yet also slightly sad thought.
Comforting because I'm that much closer to being done with all the bullshit, but it's sad because interesting things are happening/ going to happen. I've met a couple of good friends through school, even made a friendship that bloomed so quickly that it surprised me. Aster and I are on the verge of living together, Larkspurs got her own business. She's almost done with school and I wouldn't be surprised if she got married within the next three years. My brother finishes school this year as well and will be moving on to college, maybe even moving out of home. Things upon things are slowly happening.
I sort of feel like I'm sitting in place.
I watch way too much youtube. It's my tv instead of actual tv. Recently I've learned a lot of youtubers that I watch are around my age or started their youtube careers at the age I am now. It's amazing to me. Although I try not to compare myself to other, thinking of what they are doing now and what I am doing.
Because truth be told; I don't know what to do. I sort of feel as if I was floating in a lake while everybody passes me by on boats. Some I only catch a glimpse of while other hang out for a little while. I'm mostly on my own though, just slowly floating with the current, letting it take me wherever, cause I don't even know where to go.
I'm sort of okay, just drifting like this, while so many others speed on by. I know I'm not the only one just floating in the water, letting the current take them wherever. I know a few people similar to me in that they just kinda deal with life as it throws shit at them. I also know a few humans that use their time to there best abilities and are constantly on the move. To them I tip my hat and as much as I feel like you'll die with less regrets. I'm okay with just drifting along at a lazy pace. It probably helps that I know I'm not alone. Still I'm half way through, I wonder if my thinking will change when only a year will be left.

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