It’s raining, more like pouring.
Each rain drop can be heard as it hits against the window. Bum, bum, BUM.
There’s no wind, just pouring pelting rain. If you stuck your hand out you’d
feel as if it was struck by lightning.
You’re stuck inside a small wooden
cottage, it’s cozy and warm, yet you feel a deep dread inside you looking
outside. You can’t tell if it’s night time or day for the whole world is just
grey, everything’s grey. You want to stop looking outside, focus on the warmth
in your small home, but you can’t. If you look away you might miss something,
you don’t know what it is, but it keeps you from curling up on the couch.
Suddenly the world outside is lit
up and for a moment the rain is silenced by the loudest thunderbolt you have
ever heard. It almost seems as if it hit right outside your tiny cottage, but
somehow everything’s still standing. You’re still safe, you’re still alive, but
the fear is still there. The rain seems to start pouring even harder now and you
can’t help but curl up in a blanket while watching the world outside.
You seem so detached, yet at the
same time you feel as if you should be outside in the rain. Almost like it’s
your fault that the world is crying. It’s your fault that the world is in pain.
The tears aren’t from sorrow though, but from stress. So many emotions, so many
feelings and thoughts and it all comes together in this one giant storm.
You can’t help, but want to
apologize even though you know it won’t change a thing. The world around you is
still crying, still under so much stress. The guilt will be there though for a
certain time, even when the world calms and the emotions pass you’ll still feel
guilty inside. It will feel like your fault, until one day you will realize
that it had to happen. It would have happened in the end. Everything would have
culminated and become what it is now, a pouring, thundering rain.
All you can do is watch and sit by
their side as their tears fall. You don’t know what to say nor how to act all
you can do is offer silent support. Because in the end you’ll always be there
for them. In their darkest hour, in their biggest time of need, when they think
their world made of fragile glass is falling apart around them. You will sit by
them, arm around their shoulders and remind them that they exists in this
world, this isn’t the end. They can still move forward and rebuild.
Finally when the emotions pass and
they stand, you’ll help them up, give a smile and cheer them on. For you will
always be there for them. Eventually your guilt will pass as well and the world
outside of your window will calm. The sky will clear, the rain will stop and
after every storm a rainbow will find its way on the sky once again.
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