They seemed so absorbed in their conversation I couldn't help but pull a trick. Why not give the boy's a light heart attack? I slowed my stride and started to make my way towards a tree to hide behind. Once I made it there I checked to see if the two had noticed and amazingly they hadn't. So I back tracked a bit and started to walk on a different path. We were in a huge park that I was very familiar with, so I easily navigated my way through the landscape making my way towards my destination- the swings.
Success! I think as I find my way to the semi-secluded spot, only to find it completely empty. No humans, but more importantly no children to bother me. I check my phone before I start swinging to make sure if the boys haven't started looking for me yet. Nothing, they either haven't noticed or haven't thought of calling me yet. Shouldn't I be getting angry? Not only am I on a date, but I easily disappeared and no one noticed. Hmmm, nah. There's no point in getting angry over something so silly, after all Aster and Bell should spend some one on one time with each other as well. Sure they talk practically everyday over skype, but that's not the same as face to face. Besides 90% of the time they're playing video games, so there is little conversation to be had. My brain forgot to remind me that the three of us in general only really see each other once a week and we should be spending time together. But that was forgotten as I started swinging and got lost in my thoughts and the clouds. I wish I could be a cloud.
I'm not sure how much time passed, but I eventually heard an annoyed voice and the rustling of leaves. I took my eyes from the sky to find Aster and Bell coming into the clearing, both looking a bit peeved that I had ditched them. Time to apologize I guess. I jumped when the swing was at its highest point, forgetting about my healing ankle, but at the last minute managed to fall into a diving roll. Thank you parkour, even though that's how I sprained my ankle in the first place, but details.
The boys faces were priceless though and I couldn't help but laugh at there shocked looks while I sat on the ground holding my stomach and wiping the tears from my eyes. I only earned a bonk on the head from Bell though and an outraged "What the hell did you just almost do!? Are you trying to break that ankle?"
"But, its the swings you have to jump off them," I reply meekly getting up from my spot on the ground.
"Nast, last I checked you were an adult. Those rules apply to children." Replied Aster looking unimpressed, "Besides would you like to explain your disappearing act?"
"Ughghghghg," was the only thing that came out of my mouth, which didn't help my case at all.
"You were bored weren't you?" Asked Aster, but sounded more like a statement.
"Maybe just a little, but I didn't want to disturb you so I thought I'd go on my own for a bit." I averted my eyes knowing that I shouldn't have just walked off on them, but I couldn't help it. It's a bad habit of mine that I've had since I was a child.
Both grumbled something under there breaths, but I couldn't catch what they said. Bell ended up sighing loudly, before he bonked me on the head again and pulled me into him. "Friking annoying female." I looked to Aster confused, but he only smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist and Bells. The taller boy then pulled Aster into the hug more as well and we just stood there for a few moments. I didn't understand what was wrong, but I enjoyed the warmth from both the males and stood there for as long as they wanted.
Eventually we separated and started to make our way back to the car. There was a comfortable silence around us and the park was strangely empty, but it was nice and peaceful. I suddenly feel an arm wrap around my waist and one go around my shoulder and I reciprocate putting an arm around both their waists. After a few moments of walking like this I realize something.
They were worried about me.
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