Coming out of the sewers didn't make me feel any safer. In fact I seemed to feel safer down there than I did out here. Where ever here was. I seemed to have entered an arena of some sorts, with the sewer opening sitting at it's very center. The arena was rusted and falling apart, made completely from aged metal. Looking closer I could see dried spots of blood in certain places. This made chills run down my spine and only made me want to escape all the more, but I couldn't find an exit. The arena floor didn't connect to the stands and I was unable to climb the wall dividing them. The only way out was the way I came in. I'll just have to brave the sewers, whatever was chasing me has probably gotten bored and gone to do something else. With those thought's I crept to the opening I came from, but quickly jumped back when I saw two pale eyes staring back at me.
A giant albino snake slowly slithered out of it's hole, taking his time, as if he knew that his prey wouldn't escape. All this time his eyes stayed on mine and I could only stare back and watch as the snake coiled itself and prepared to attack. I'm not going to die here! This steeled my resolve, so when the snake finally lunged I dodged and gave him a good kick, before running away. Trying to find some weapon, a shard of glass, anything that would allow me to cut open his skin. I forgot about the voice in the back of my head reminding me that this was a dream and I could easily wake myself, but for once I didn't run away. This time I'd fight back.
After a few more times of dodging the snakes attack, kicking him and running I'd found something sharp. It was a small piece of worn metal, but it had a sharp tip, so it would have to do. I snatched it up, now fully prepared to finish this once and for all, but when I turned around to confront my enemy, my inner monster, I stopped and stared in terror. The over sized albino snake stood not too far from me with him wrapped up in his coils, suffocating, bloody and pleading for my help. When I tried to take a step forward to attack, to stop his pain, the snake squeezed tighter. This caused him to whimper in pain and I could see tears forming in his eyes. My own started to tear up as well when I realized there was nothing I could do but watch.
The snake only smiled in sadistic glee, enjoying our suffering. Enjoying the fact that he had one of the few people I cared about wrapped up in his coils. I tried to force myself to wake up. I'd done it plenty of times, so why couldn't I do it now? Wake up, wake up! I closed my eyes to concentrate better and that seemed to be my downfall for as soon as I opened them again two blank greenish blue eyes stared back at me. I screamed.
I fell out of my bed in a heap on the floor and for a few moments had to wonder if this was reality. Standing on shaky legs I went to make myself a cup of coffee and then sat on the couch staring off into space. That was the first time I hadn't run from a dream, from my monster, from my fears. I stood up to them for once and now I just don't know. So caught up in my thoughts I was that I didn't notice the warm body sitting down next to me, until he kissed me good morning. I was jostled out of my thoughts and once again saw greenish blue eyes, these were not blank though and I couldn't help but hug that body close and cuddle into him.
He's alive, that was just a dream, just a dream.
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