Staring back out at the window and taking a deep drag from my cancer stick I took in the view. As was customary for this hour the sky was a deep dark purple, although you could see brighter spots around the edge of the horizon. The sun would be up in an hour or so turning the sky lavender instead. Hopefully there'll be some clouds. Their navy blue color will keep the sky from being a total eye soar. If I'm lucky it'll rain, but it's not the season for it so I doubt it. The bare black barked trees lined the paved streets, standing out thanks to the fallen snow. The street was empty, all the shops were closed, no living soul seemed to be out. Only the occasional vehicle disturbed the silence, that and the strange noise that the deaders would occasionally give off.
After a while I could hear the other tenants start to rise from their covers, so I finished my last stick and started the coffee machine. We were all assholes without coffee, myself more so than the rest. That was one of the reasons I woke the earliest, well that and I just enjoyed the quite in the morning.
"Morgen," yawned out Aleks as he walked into our main room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was still in his ocean blue pj's and his navy blue hair was a total mess. I handed him a freshly brewed cup of Joe and he nodded in thanks, before taking a seat at the dining table and zoning out the window. Aleks the youngest out of all of us, but he's the most athletic and is just as good with people as Sam.
I hear a thump from upstairs while cooking breakfast, but pay no mind to it. Mat either rolled out of bed or Sam kicked him out of it. Either way someone was coming down the small spiral staircase. "Dobry," says Mat as he shuffles to the table and plops down next to Aleks who's finally starting to wake up. "We having eggs for breakfast?"
"Yup," I reply slicing up some zucchini. "Can you make some toast Aleks?"
"Sure, want some coffee Mat?"
"Please," the lazy green headed boy says.
With breakfast done we dig in. "Is Sam showering?" I ask.
"She had to get to the library before it opened," replied Aleks.
"Something happened?" questioned Mat chewing on some egg.
"I think she said something about a break in, but I'm not sure."
"Why not go see?" asked Mat, polishing off his plate.
"Can't," I replied, "I've got a job to get to in an hour."
"I also have duties," spoke up Aleks, gathering the plates and refilling our mugs with coffee.
"Guess I'll see what's going on by myself than," shrugged the greeny.
With that we drank in a comfortable silence before getting ready and setting out for the day.
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