If anyone's curious we went to a store called neu look/ new look. It's British but the logo is a bit strange, because the w is a u with a dot in the middle. If you live in Britain you've probably heard of it and if you didn't shame on you. It's the first time I was every there, my mom as well, and lets just say it was overwhelming.
I'm kind of dressing in a punk kind of style. When I have the guts to wear it. Which seems stupid because I was the only one in my school who wore a Halloween costume in a country that thinks it Satan's holiday. So I can go to school looking like a cat, but not in punkish style clothing that at least 15% of the school also wears. Whats wrong with me? Is there anyone else like that? Afraid to be who they are? The one thing I don't understand though is my attitude. I honestly don't care what people think of me. They could think I'm a total psycho and talk about me behind my back and I still wouldn't care as long as they don't cause problems in my life. "Ya, please continue with your gossiping. I'm gonna do my math homework."
Yes, I know that was lame, but eh that's me. XP. That's the type of attitude I've taken to protect myself. It keeps me from getting hurt. I'm positive others around the world have taken up a similar attitude it's just safer, but that doesn't mean I don't let people in.
The few who take the time to befriend me I protect and keep close. The're my friends and after a while they become special to me. In my class I have a single friend, his names Peter. He's different and not what most girls would call attractive, but he's kind heart-ed, funny, and lots of fun to annoy. But some of the people pick on him and talk about him and I just hate it! There not like physically hurting him or name calling it's small things like stealing his lunch, flipping his backpack inside out or giving him terrible nicknames. And ERHHHHHHH IT JUST DRIVES ME MAD AND I HATE IT!!!!!! I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!!! Sorry, this has just been bothering me a lot lately. I just want to help him.
Sorry for the strange post, it was just completely everywhere.
Well see ya around.
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