Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve

There's no snow.
There's no massive party.
The whole family hasn't come together.

It hasn't been like that in a long time.

But this isn't a complaint.
It's not a tragic story of how a family no longer comes together.
Now it's about a different family.

One where everyone is close to the same age, 
the only elders are called old jokingly. 
While the young one's are really just above 18.
It's non-conventional, but it's new years eve. 

With how old everyone is, it's not surprising everyone is finding time with people that aren't family. Even those that still have family together.

Still I use to not care about new years eve.

I never really had friends here to spend that evening with.
Now though, as much as I pretend to not care, spending new year's eve with a group of friends that I can think of as a second family.

Well that just makes all the chaos and the noise
 worth the laughs.

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