Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Life is just...

Life is just a bunch of distractions.

They're all rolled into one steady path that keeps you from ever realizing such a silly thing.

First it's school.

You've got at least 12 years of distractions from that, not even including all the things that could come from the environment school supplies for you. Friends, enemies, crushes, hormones, homework, hobbies, so many things can just POP up and distract you from one major detail. 

After school it's either college or a job, some half-assed goal that will keep you moving forward, either one provides enough of a distraction that you don't think about much of anything else. Instead you're focusing on your future, maybe looking for that other half or enjoying the single life. 
Either way it's enough and you keep moving forward looking towards having a family, living the life of luxury, adventure, passionate love whatever you want to do.
All the while you're unaware that everything you're doing is just another task to keep you going. Another tiny goal that will keep you from thinking too much, because why would you want to think about that. 

It's such a trivial thing, but at the same time once you realize it, well it shakes you to your core. 

You live to continue doing your self assigned tasks, whether that's provide for someone, continue to have the funds to do what you love or maybe you're just going along with social norms, it doesn't really matter. 
For it all comes to an end eventually. 

This list of things you want to do or 'have' to do all come to a stop when your light flickers out. Whether it's with grace or not eventually everyone ends up in that situation. Some really never realize what they did was just a bunch of self-appointed tasks meant to give them more meaning in their lives, they're lucky bastards.
Some come to that conclusion way to early in their lives and when they do, they can't help but look at everything around them and think- pointless.
 Why should I find myself something to do? 
What's the point in doing this? 
How come it's so difficult to ignore this?

It's so difficult to reach out when the only thing ringing in your ears is;
'Life, well life is just a bunch of distractions and then,
well then you die.'

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