Saturday, May 6, 2017

Just Another DayDream

    It's quiet in the small lived in apartment. All the lights are out and it's late in the evening, so you can barely make out what it looks like. What you can see though is fairly average. There's a plain deep blue, three seater couch in front of a small coffee table and a television set with two bookshelves, filled with literature, on either sides.
    Behind the couch is a bit of free area, before you meet countertop and bar stools lined up on one side. The other side is an open kitchen area, that looks fairly neat in the darkness. It seems to be the whole room, although there is a dog crate in one corner and a box filled with toys, most likely for the canine. If there's a dog bed then where's the dogo?
    You notice an open door off the right of the living area and head towards it. Inside you find a large queen sized bed with dark grey sheets and colorful pillows. It's a very lived in room and there are things all over the walls and floors, but you pay them no mind for you know this is where you will find the dog.
    He's easy to spot, laying right in the middle of the bed, curled out on his side breathing deeply. He seems to be asleep and you take your time looking him over. He's scruffy, with white fur and random splotches of black and brown and a tail that seems a tad crooked. You don't recognize the breed, but he sort of looks like a mix between a basset hound and a daschund. Slowly you start to reach out, curious as to what the dog feels like, but before you get the chances the dog jumps up and runs right through you.
    You jump, suddenly broken from your trance and follow after the creature curious as to what he's doing. It isn't until you hear a key unlocking the door that you realize the humans of the house have arrived. The dog went through you so, there is little reason to worry about anyone seeing you, instead you lean against the couch wondering who's about to enter.
    A male walks in and the dog immediately pounces on him. He shouts "Bax!" In exasperation, but you know he's happy as he walks in and pets the excited dog- Bax. It takes you a moment, but you feel like the man who just walked in is very familiar to you. He has long blonde hair, that's tied back in a pony tail, pale white skin and eyes that look blue, but also sort of green. He's wearing dark jeans and a green button down shirt.
    The male doesn't stay for long, because after he greets Bax he puts on the dogs collar and takes him out. You're once again left alone in the apartment. You take the time to continue exploaring, the man will probably be back with Bax soon, so you should snoop while you still can. Returning to the bedroom you can tell the man doesn't live here alone, he has a companion, but it's hard to tell if it's a male or female for most of the items laying around are things that could belong to both sex's.
    You discover another a bathroom, that you avoid not wanting to know what's inside and a find a storage closet and a spare bedroom. Although the bedroom is empty, so you collapse on the couch bored. The place is small and very much lived in, and even though it's foreign to you somehow you find this place calms and relaxs you. The front door opens and you find the familiar male walking back in with Bax, he wrestles with the dogs paws trying to clean them, before giving in and letting the dog run rampant in their home. He just sighs and smiles fondly before looking towards the clock hanging on the wall. Seems he's expecting someone, maybe his fellow flatemate?
    The lights are finally turned on while the male goes to the bedroom and closes the door. The dog immediately runs to the door and seems to wait for the male, you smile at the attachment the dog has towards him. A moment later the man walks in wearing a t-shirt, and the dog jumps on him once again before runing to his toy box. The male plays with him for a couple of minutes and you observe wondering why he seems so familiar, why the situation itself seems to scream at you, but you just don't know.
    After awhile the blonde stands and goes to the kitchen pulling something out of the fridge, before setting the stove. It's then that you notice a single picture frame on the windowsill near the kitchen. You seem to jump towards it with a surprising amount of energy. It seems like a family portrait with Bax in the middle and two humans holding him. You can tell that one is the blonde, but for some reason you can't see the other in detail. They're smaller than the blonde man and have short hair, both of them are smiling laughing even, but who is this other person! Most importantly why do you care so much?
    You sigh in frustration wanting to know, but it's not like you can ask. Then Bax catches your attention when he scrambles to the door jumping on whoever is entering. The blonde says something from the kitchen, but you can't hear anything for some reason. You turn curious as to who the other occupant of the home is, but find that instead of turning you end up opening your eyes and are greeted with sunlight. You're struck with confusion, before you realize you must have fallen into another daydream.
Just another daydream. 

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