I swear one time my brother was taunting me, sizing me up, trying to get me irritated, it was super funny. Instead of rising to the bait though I just gave him a toothy grin and took a step forward. The kid screamed like a little girl and ran out of the room. I swear it was the funniest shit. My mom was in the room too and we laughed our asses off.
I'll explain why this is so funny, see my brother was about 16 at the time. He'd hit his growth spurt early that year and was a good foot or two taller than me and weighed probably 50 pounds more than me as well. So seeing a huge ass kid running from his tiny older sister is fucking great. I swear I'm never going to let him live that one down. Black mail gold!
On more recent terms I've mentioned that I've gotten accepted into uni and well so far it's awesome. My classes are interesting, my schedule allows me to wake up at eight everyday and still get to school on time, which really that was my biggest concern. All in all I don't mind going to school as much as I thought I did. The only reason I hated going to school was the early waking hours and coming home with a migraine, but one has been taken care of and the other one doesn't happen as often as it used to which is nice.
Still I'm having trouble getting to know the people that I'm studying with. I will admit that I'm really not trying too hard on that front, but being able to have a casual conversation with them would be nice. Doesn't really happen though, honestly there are days where I speak more to my teachers than to the students around me. Today for example we had math exercises, which aren't bad really aside from the stress of having to go up to the blackboard, but other than that, no biggie. They teach us more than their lecture equivalent that's for sure. I'd probably fail the class without the exercises.
Anyway our exercise group teacher happens to be the director of our building, not the whole campus just the sole math building on it. Still I was unaware of this for a while, because when he introduced himself he used a word that made no sense to me. It wasn't until I got home that my father explained to me what that word meant. When I understood it's significance well I got a bit nervous. When I went up to the blackboard that lesson I told the guy I had absolutely no idea what he wanted me to do. All I saw were symbols and letters and none of them made sense to me. Sigh, how I miss the days where math was just numbers.
Still I sort of talked backed to him a bit and I might have not spoken to him using formal verbs and tenses and crap so I freaked out a tiny bit. But when the next lesson rolled around the teacher/director was his usual self and seemed to not hold any ill will towards me. The guy in general is really nice and friendly, willing to show my group everything and explain it correctly even though he knows none of us regularly attend the lectures for the subject. It's because of this I feel fairly relaxed around him and end up doing silly things.
Today for example he told us our first test was coming up in about two weeks time and joked about how he couldn't wait to see our eyes bulge when we saw the test he was going to prepare. The room was silent as it usually is. I swear my group is afraid the teachers will bite them if they speak out of turn. Still in the silence I reply 'Well it's only fair you get a few minutes of entertainment since you're going to be sitting there and doing nothing for two hours.' My year-mates are silent, as usual, while my brain is screaming at me 'what did you just say!?' Luckily though, surprisingly too, my teacher laughs and continues joking by saying 'Darn, you figured me out. Ruining my fun. I was waiting to surprise you all.' Lessons than continued as normal, but still my behavior towards my teachers/professors surprises me.
In school I was always the quiet one, sitting somewhere near the front and taking notes and being that good student. Now though, well I'm still that, but instead of staying constantly silent I speak out. Talk with my professors, answer questions when I can, interact with them like what normal people do or well used to do at least. I'm comparing myself to my year mates at the moment, more precisely the group I have all my exercises classes with. There are thirteen of us and well in general it's really quiet during lessons. They never talk with each other much, just the occasional whisper and when the teacher asks questions, answers from them are rare.
It's something I'm not used to. My high school class was the trouble making one, always loud and obnoxious. While the few months I went to a different uni were similar. I ended up in a group with plenty of jokers so exercise lesson were lively. Here, suddenly everyones constantly quiet and it's just so new for me that it tilts me a bit off balance. It's probably why I banter and joke with the professors now, because there is no one else doing so, no one else cracking jokes or making class a tad more amusing.
I should clarify now that I'm not some class clown that cracks a joke every chance they get, nor have I suddenly had a personality change. I guess I've just gotten to this point in my life where I don't care how others see me anymore. I'm comfortable in my own skin, this is me. It also helps that 90% of our prof's are between the age of 30 and 40 which is the age of most of my friends from Kung Fu. It's just a tad bit weird for me, though I'm mostly worried I'll accidentally forget myself one time and use the improper you thus maybe getting in trouble.
For now though I guess I'll just be that strange enigma in class that jokes and banters with the professors, is in general friendly with everyone, but comes off as a bit too weird for my age group. Meh, a bit confusing but whatever~
Maybe Ill see you around.